Massage for Men
"where every-body is welcome"
Bringing to you a Strong,Spirited,Sensuous
yet Meditative Full Body Relaxation
Massage w Men in Mind, for 10 + years.
Contact Glenn.
Auckland, N.Z.
TXT is best.
What's App avail.
no caller ID are not answered.
Mobile Outcall Service Only
Casual Basis by Advance
Appointment - In your Home,
Hotel, Motel or Air BnB.
​ see The Welcome Page,
for all booking info.
Massage for Men.
Man to Man Massage.
Gay Male Massage Therapist.
Mobile Outcall Service Only.
Casual Basis by Advance
Appointment - In your Home,
Hotel, Motel or Air BnB.
see The Welcome Page,
for all booking info.
Diploma of Massage and
Relaxation Massage Certificate,
Wellpark Natural Therapy College, Auckland. N.Z.​​
my massage mantra.
Welcome to ​
Massage for Men.
​My Massage Mantra is ... ​
" when you touch a body,
you touch the whole person,
the intellect, the spirit,
and the emotions "
​Namaste. ​
To be Enigmatic is to be a little mysterious or a little different, and for me, this easily relates to the style of massage on offer. With the same strong passion, I have given to Massage for 10 + years, I am currently bringing to you, The EnigmaticBodyMassage, a Strong & Spirited, yet Sensuous & Meditative Full Body Relaxation Massage with Men in Mind. Availability is currently on more of a Casual Mobile OutCall Service, by advance Appointment only. Please see the Massage Description & Booking Info page for everything you need to know... and relax ... relax... relax ... in the comfort of your Home, Air BNB or Hotel / Motel.
​I look forward to seeing you soon.
​Given on a Professional Therapy Table, The EnigmaticBodyMassage gathers its naturally spirited & sensuous energy, from the music & overall mix of massage movements I use, seamlessy merging these throughout the relaxation time, with Strong Spirited Massage, delivering a focus on releasing tension in areas where men tend to hold this the most, such as such as Neck / Shoulders, Back, and the Gluteal area ~ while blending in Slow Sensuous Swedish Style Movements, that go from tip to toe & vice a versa, arousing the touch senses throughout the body ~ all while balancing this with, light finger tip touch, Holistic Pulsing and Guided Breath Instruction, softening the delivery of, so as to place a strong focus on the meditative relaxation aspects of.
Add in that throughout the relaxation time, there is a strong leaning towards the naturally inclusive and uniquely sensuous aspects of Tantra Style Touch - such as Nonjudgemental Naturism for you and a Focused Lingam Touch Time; (or without, see links below for more info); simply giving respect to the Tantra belief, that the whole body should be a blissfull arousing and sensuous inclusion of Relaxation Massage while considering the overall holistic aspects of the body & of the mind too. ​
@ EnigmaticBody, the style of Massage, delivers a strong focus on the sensuous aspects of Relaxation, with Men in Mind, bringing the massage time to a close with a warm heartfelt, Head, Neck and Face Massage, simply adding to your relaxation, so as to extend your heightened yet holistic sensuous state, long after the relaxation session has ended.
Take a long slow breath, let the tension go, while I guide you into a nuturing, comforting, sensuous style of Full Body Relaxation Massage with Men in Mind ...
and ... relax ... relax ... relax ...
For Booking and Availability Info, + given the naturally sensuous style of the massage & the inclusion of Lingam Touch, I recommend taking a moment to read the page links noted below the rate$, as these help to clarify why my style of massage has such a strong focus on sensuous relaxation with Men in Mind ...
Rates are inclusive of OutCall Tavel Fee.
Parking Fees are additonal = as these vary dependant on location, and in some cases are free. ​
90 minutes.
$ 150 - within 10 km from Lower Queen Street - CBD.
an additional charge of $10 per 10km applies for areas between 10 & 30 km.
As I place a strong focus on relaxation, I recommend making the most of your time by booking the 90 mins, as this simply gives a greater opportunity to draw out your body's tension, while naturally encouraging a sensuous yet focused relaxation for you. ​
60 minutes
$ 140 - within 10 km from the CBD.
the 60 minute option is not available beyond 10km. ​
notes : As I reside approx 10 minutes from the CBD, to be fair to all Auckland locations, I use the CBD​ as a starting point to calculate travel distance to the address / suburb given, using Google Maps as a guide. Therefore, to confirm my availability & rate$, please advise your Street or Accommodation Name / Suburb & an approx time that you are considering to book, and I will confirm a rate + plus parking info. (more detailed Info is not requested until the time of confirmation).
I may consider other locations beyond the 30km, yet within the greater Auckland area and within approx 45 minute off peak travel time from the CBD - Rates to be advised & a deposit is required to confirm. ​​​​
Over the years of giving massage, I have come to understand, that there are many reasons men choose to have a massage of that is of a Sensuous Style, therefore, as your Massage Natural Therapy Healer, it is important that I take the time to consider this maybe different for everybody. In this page link, I delve a little into my view of what Lingam Touch and Naturism are about, and why I consider these to be an important inclusion in what I refer to, as a style of massage that is loosely based on the sensuous yet holistic aspects of Tantra. This page also delves a little into The Importance of Feeling Comfortable during the Massage. Naturally, if you prefer to have the massage without either Lingam Touch or Naturism, then this can be discussed when I see you. ​
Pre - Massage Considerations.​
​With any kind of massage, there are Wellness & Medical Conditions which must be given consideration, therefore as part of all booking confirmations - I include a link to the Massage Considerations Page, for you to check & reply, just incase there is anything that I consider to be a massage contraindication, and therefore it is not suitable to do the massage @ this time.
Please note :
If you are currently on leave for any form of sickness or experiencing any symptoms of, no matter how trivial you think this maybe, please do not book until your are feeling 100 % better, or given the all clear my your medical professional.
If you have had, within the 21 days prior to the booking date - the Flu, a Viral Infection or Covid - please advise for my consideration before confirming. ​​​​​​​
Thankyou for your understanding. ​​
​Everything you need to know on the day of booking, Terms & Cxl Policy is noted on this page.
When booking I recommend that you book for a time, that allows you to fully relax and switch off from the day to day that is your norm, while also giving plenty of time after I leave, to allow yourself to slowly reawaken, while letting the relaxation to continue long after the massage is finished. ​​​​Likewise, when taking bookings, I consider my day so as to ensure I am free from my personal committments, while balancing this with both my body's physical and mindfulness energy, allowing me to give full focus to your relaxation time. It is for this reason - I seldom accept bookings at a moments notice, therefore, subject to your location, I generally prefer approx 2 to 3 hours advance notice to confirm.
Subject to location / suburb & the amount of notice given ~ Booking times vary from a 1st Appt: time of approx 11am to a last Appt: time of approx 7pm - flexibility is possible, the more notice given, the more flexible I can be. ​
Txt over Calling me is best - I will respond as soon as I am able to.​​
Travellers - please note : When an expected time of arrival into Auckland is less than 6 hours prior to a requested booking time - an $80 deposit is required to confirm. In cases where this is not agreed to, or received by the time requested - I will generally decline the booking. ​Thankyou for your understanding.
one of my favourite quotes is ... ​​
I don't believe in age,
I believe in energy, and
I don't let age dictate
what I can or cannot do.
My living mantra is ..