Massage for Men
"where every-body is welcome"
Bringing to you a Strong,Spirited,Sensuous
yet Meditative Full Body Relaxation
Massage w Men in Mind, for 10 + years.
Contact Glenn.
Auckland, N.Z.
TXT is best.
What's App avail.
no caller ID are not answered.
Mobile Outcall Service Only
Casual Basis by Advance
Appointment - In your Home,
Hotel, Motel or Air BnB.
see The Welcome Page,
for all booking info.

Massage for Men.
Man to Man Massage.
Gay Male Massage Therapist.
Mobile Outcall Service Only.
Casual Basis by Advance
Appointment - In your Home,
Hotel, Motel or Air BnB.
see The Welcome Page,
for all booking info.
Diploma of Massage and
Relaxation Massage Certificate,
Wellpark Natural Therapy College, Auckland. N.Z.
Uniquely Enigmatic Touch.
Lingam is:
A Sanskrit Tantra term that simply translates to mean " wand of Light."
In the English Language - the Lingam refers to the body area known as the Male Genitalia.
In Massage - Lingam Touch is :
Ahhhhhh ~ the Lingam ~ the part of the body, we men generally place more focus on, than any other part of our body, more so, when it comes to being touched in any form of what is considered to be in a sensuous way, which naturally brings about a sexual presence, particularly, when Lingam Touch & Naturism are an inclusion - it may bring about an expectation that arousal and even orgasm are a given to occur. So on this page, I take the time to clarify how to me, Lingam Touch and Naturism are simply considered to be a naturally holistic way of giving the whole body the same consideration & respect, without judgement or the ignoring of what I consider simply to be natural & normal reactions to sensuous touch for men.
Throughout the Massage, as the giver of, I naturally place a strong focus on the mindfulness aspects of my understanding of what Tantra is, which is to me about ensuring the naturally Sensuous Touch aspects, awaken & arouse the Kundalani Energy within the receiver, (sensuous life force), while encouraging the slow release of deep rooted tension throughout the body, so as to create a beautiful and sensuous touch inclusion, in turn aiding the overall intent of this style of Massage with Men in Mind, being a long lasting relaxation.
Now onto the inclusion of Lingam Touch ...
One of the questions, that I am often asked is ...
Is Sexual Release; (orgasm) ; included as a definite ?
Firstly, I will say here, that in the many years of doing this style of massage, I tend to focus on holding my own sexual thoughts back, which I guess in a manner of speaking is how I honour the intent of Tantra. Does this mean that on occasion, I experience sexual thoughts or experience arousal myself? I can honestly say here, as a gay man, I would be remissent, in saying I didn't - so - yes - of course I do, as this is simply a normal and natural reaction for most men, especially when on the receiving end of sensuous touch, therefore - yes - Arousal may occur, and given the mindset naturally created when this happens, tends to lean towards the need for Orgasm to happen - yes - then that may occur to. These are both normal and okay too - infact, in a manner of speaking, when orgasm occurs, combined with the Tantra belief of - that helps the receiver be themselves, and therefore the overall relaxation occurs with greater ease.
Now, lets take a moment to explore when Orgasm does not occur ...
Even though Lingam Touch is an inclusion with a strong sensuous focus, consideration needs to be given, that for some men, this type of sensuous touch or even the massage itself, in particular when given by another man, and or a man who identifies as Gay, maybe a new experience, or that maybe there is a medical reason that I may not be aware of, such as prostate issues, or maybe there is a little nervousness present - to me, when this merges with the overall meditative state that the receiver may be in by the time the Lingam Touch part of the massage is reached, it is not unusual for the sensuous mind & the sensuous body, to not quite sync in a sensual way, and therefore arousal does not occur. To me, this is equally a normal & natural reaction of the moment, and in reality, shouldn't be given to much focus, as thinking too much, or placing a focus or expectation solely on either of these to occur, actually distracts from the overall intent of the relaxation for you.
For those that may feel uncomfortable with the inclusion of Focused Lingam Touch & or Naturism, then its an easy change to deliver more of a hint of, rather than a strong focus on, during the massage. This does need to be decided before the massage begins, as once I begin, I tend to immerse myself in the giving of the relaxation, and any change of mindset during the massage, may hinder the overall flow of, and therefore the intent of - being relaxation.
Also worthy of noting here is that... Given the sensuous nature of the style of massage; it is only natural that arousal for the giver sometimes occurs. If it does, it is simply considered a normal reaction to the intimacy of the moment. Despite there being a sensuous focus during the massage - orgasm for the giver, should not be an expectation.
So it seems to be, that the inclusion of Lingam Touch & Naturism in a Massage of this style, is one of those things, that it is full of contradictions and when combined with the many ways, this style of sensuous massage is portrayed in most media forms, individual perception does dictate... "It is this - and it is that" - all at the same time.
Naturism & Sensuous Touch is about ...
To me - Naturism is a naturally holistic inclusion of everyday life, as being Nude / Naked is one of the most natural things we can do, so much so that you will often find me roaming about at home nude, or in Summer, on occasion, I'll head to a local nudist beach and enjoy the freedom of naked dips in the ocean, in between loosing those ugly winter tan lines ~ of course !
In the giving of sensuous massage, I work with an open mind, and within the ideology of Sensuous Relaxation Massage - which to me, is about the giving of a meditative calmness, while being mindful of ensuring the space we are in, remains safe and non-judgemental for both the giver and reciever, and where naturism and a little mutual touch within the realms of sensuous relaxation is okay. This must be mindful & respectful of any sensuous touch boundaries for each individual, so as to ensure no negative energy is created, as to me, when that occurs, is when I believe, the moment that the true intent of the massage, simply becomes lost in translation, and the overall outcome of the relaxation will not be as intended.
During the EnigmaticBody Massage - as the giver of the massage, to maintain a sense of professionalism, I generally remain fully clothed. (Shorts / Dry T-shirt or Singlet). On occasion if it feels right in the moment, I may choose to give the massage in only my Dry T, however, this should not be an expectation.
Feeling Comfortable during your Relaxation time ....
There are many reasons men choose to have a massage of this nature, therefore, as your Natural Therapy / Massage Healer, it is important, I consider that this is different for everybody. Maybe you are seeking a totally blissful time out of the daily grind to recharge; or; you feel the need to refocus your sensuous energy; or; it may be as simple as you miss being touched, or perhaps its is a little more involved, such as you have recently experienced or even going through a personal Trauma and need to slow down the clutter in your mind a little.
In the years of giving Sensuous yet Focused Relaxation Massage with Men in Mind, my motivations or enthusiam for what I offer, comes from my strong passion for the relaxation aspects of massage, and the further along I go in my own life journey, the more my belief is - that the more sensuous based relaxation sessions or similar connective style of body touch that I indulge in, such as Yoga or Meditation, the more our mindset adjusts to allow ourselves to delve into the sensuous self, while bringing a calm to our inner spirit, and for me, these by far outweigh, the business or $$$ aspects of.
While I am here, I would like to take this opportunity and assure you, my overall approach to Massage, and what is a naturally sensuous style of Focused Relaxation with Men in Mind - to me fits with the many reasons individuals seek to book, and I believe this is why over the years, I have built up a long standing and loyal client base.
Before we commence, I will always give time for a brief chat, during which, I will go over any Wellness matters, plus allow time for you to freely discuss any matter that maybe about the reason you have booked, regardless of how unique you may think it is. I will add here, that this is with confidentiality & only if you are comfortable to do so, and you can be assured - that I will do my utmost to be mindful and accommodating of this. In return, I ask that you be mindful, that even though I consider the style of massage to be of a sensuous nature & that naturism, mutual touch along with sensuous reactions that men generally have during massage of this style - such as arousal & orgasm - are simply normal and okay too, I do not consider that any of this during the massage has a sexual focus, in the broader term of what that encompasses - therefore I respectfully state here, that if you are viewing this solely with a mindset that reflects this, or for that matter with a focus solely on just the Lingam Touch aspects, then I can say with my hand on my heart, that I am not the right choice for you.