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Massage for Men.  

Man to Man Massage. 

Gay Male Massage Therapist.


Mobile Outcall Service Only.

Casual Basis by Advance

Appointment - In your Home,

Hotel, Motel or Air BnB.

see The Welcome Page,

for all booking info.

Diploma of Massage and 

Relaxation Massage Certificate, 

Wellpark Natural Therapy College, Auckland. N.Z.


Booking Info & Terms

Everything you need to know with regards to General Booking Day Info, and Booking Terms, Payment and CXL Policy is on this page.  If you require clarification on anything noted - please feel free to contact me to discuss - Txt is Best. 

​​Confirming Bookings. 

Your name and a mobile number are required to hold a booking space - please note that for Outcalls to Hotels, Motels or Air BnB, I require your full name as per the accommodation booking and the hotel room  & floor number, as due to most Accommodation Providors now having Security Policies in place for access to accommodation floors,  I am generally required to provide this information on my arrival.  In addition you may be required to meet me in the lobby. 

All bookings are held on a tentative basis only until the confirmation process is completed.

Booking Confirmation is sent via TXT only to form a record of booking details. @ a minimum this is done no less that 2 to 3 hours prior to the requested booking time. When you receive the confirmation TXT message, please reply by the time stated to confirm your booking - this will be @ a minimum 90 minutes prior to the booking time. 

Confirmation requests not replied to & Deposit requests; (see below); not recieved by the time stated, may result in your booking not being guaranteed and or the booking being released and offered to someone in waiting. ​

note: Subject to the confirmation time,  I may also send a further TXT a couple hours prior to reconfirm the booking is good to go, before I commence travel.  This will require a response, which if not recieved 1 hr prior to booking time - may result in the booking being released / cancelled. A txt will be sent to advise. 

Travellers - please note : When an expected time of arrival into Auckland is less than 6 hours prior to a requested booking time - A deposit is required to confirm - In all cases where this is not possible or agreed to - I will decline the booking. 

Massage Timing - The massage time commences @ the agreed booking time. If in event I am late - the massage time will commence once I have set up.  If in the event you are delayed or late & the massage cannot commence on time - I will either reduce the overall time so the massage ends as originally confirmed or if you prefer & I am able to agree to maintain the full time, then an additional charge of $20 per 15 minutes of time applies and is payable before we commence the massage. 

Parking Charges - Some locations require paid parking & some don't - therefore to be fair  - Parking Fees are additional to the rates noted on the Welcome Page.  I use a AT Transport parking app to estimate charges, however as this is not always 100% correct, therefore, I can only advise an estimated cost @ the time of booking, confirming the actual amount on my arrival.  To allow for the booking & set up time period, a 2 hour minimum parking charge applies. 

note: The location of some Hotels within the CBD may mean parking is limited or not available within the immediate area, therefore in these instances, Valet Parking may be required - this will need to be pre-arranged & charged to your room A/c - Most Hotels offer a rate for a couple of hours - charges vary between hotels. 

Parking for all bookings - @ a minimum, I require a secure drop off / pick up area @ the door while I park.  (this is due to the total cost of replacing equipment is approx $1k).  

Please provide any specific instructions in a txt in reply to this message.

Please see lower on this page for Payment Terms & Cancellation Policy. 


On The Day. 

The space you choose to have the massage in ...   

should be able to accommodate a Professional Massage Therapy Table that is 1.8 mtrs long and approx 700 wide, plus allow space to move around this with ease.  I also recommend that on my arrival ~ the room is already warmed to a cosy / warm room temperature, of approx cosy 22 degrees, (not generally required in summer), and the lighting is dimmed, curtains are closed and in the evening  - just a single tea light candle going in the background is nice, so as to offer an ambience that is calm & warm, simply aiding your relaxation. 


Power Point close by is required. 

My arrival - I will aim to arrive 10 - 15 minutes before the booking time, to allow plenty of time to set the massage table up & have a brief massage chat before commencing. 

Pre-Massage Chat - This is generally done on a more informal basis, and may include going over some of the items as noted on the Massage Considerations Page. 

Showers - please be freshly showered within the hour before my arrival.

I recommend showering soon after  I leave - just to remove any excess oil of your body. 

FYI - the oil I use is non allergenic & it does not stain clothing, but may leave oil residue on fabric & leather etc which does wash out with warm soapy water.   The oil has no fragrance. 

Misc Info ... 

I recommend avoiding heavy meals ​or drinking too much coffee, tea, caffeine or carbonated beverages and water within the couple of hours prior to your booking.

Drinking plenty of water after a massage will assist the process of flushing out any toxins that may have been released during the massage.

Everybody has a different reaction after a relaxation massage, ranging from feeling invigorated to feeling exhausted. There is no right or wrong way to feel, so allowing time afterwards to continue the relaxation process and let your body recover is as important as the massage itself.

General Hygiene ...  With all massages, having a clean, tidy and calm ambient space to have the Massage in, is an important aspect of feeling comfortable during the relaxation. 

@ EnigmaticBody, Clean Linen is provided for each booking & the Massage Table is cleaned between bookings.   


Payment is to be made via Cash on arrival prior to the Massage beginning.  In some cases a deposit maybe requested - see Confirming Booking Info @ the top of this page. 
note: I do not operate with EFTPOS / Credit Cards etc.  

Deposit Request.

In cases of bookings where by your location is more than 15km from Auckland CBD, or where your arrival into Auckland is considered to close to the booking time & may impact on my travel time to your location, or the booking commencing @ the agreed time.  In these instances, I generally request a deposit of $80 to be paid prior to my confirming.   This must be received a minimum of 2 banking hours before the booking time and is non-refundable from 1 hour prior to the booking time.  Any balance of Booking Fee is due by cash on arrival.  Full Payment via Bank Transfer can also be arranged. 

All bookings remain tentative until your confirmation is received.  

Tentative means - EnigmaticBody reserves the right to replace or cancel your booking. In the rare instances this does occur, a TXT will be sent as soon as possible.

Please note the Cancellation Policy comes into effect on receipt of your Booking Confirmation or the confirm by time - which ever occurs first. 

EnigmaticBody is not GST registered, and is run as a non profit - therefore Receipts are not available.

Cancellation Policy. 

I understand that "life" happens and changes can unexpectedly occur @ short notice.  In the event that you do need to cancel, it is appreciated that this is done no later than the Confirm by Time stated in your confirmation Txt Message. 

Without exception, booking cancellation must occur a minimum of 2 hrs prior to the booking time.  Otherwise an $80 CXL Fee applies.  Any cancellation within an hour of booking time / or I am already in transit - the full fee applies.  Cancellation fees are payable by via bank transfer within 6 hours of recieving the notice to pay.  If payment is not received, then future booking requests - without exception, will require the CXL fee plus the Fee for the current booking to be paid in advance via bank transfer, a minimum of 6 hours prior to the booking time, or the booking will be released. 

Additional Important Notes: 

EnigmaticBody reserves the right to Release / Cancel bookings, should any of the requested Info as noted on this page and in Confirmation TXT Messages,  not be completed as part of booking confirmation request;  or it is noted when on my arrival, that any of the Wellness and Massage Considerations do apply @ that time, and I have not been previously advised of this. 

Please note that in the instances of me cancelling on arrival - the above Cancellation Policy applies. 

When booking a Massage with EnigmaticBody please note that I have a Zero Tolerance Policy on excess Alcohol and Drugs, and in all situations where a client is obvioulsy under the influence of these on my arrival @ or uses these during the massage... please note that, without exception that the booking will be cancelled or conclude effective immediately.  Full fees as quoted in your confirmation TXT applies. 

Thankyou for your understanding.

Bringing to you a Strong,Spirited,

Sensuous yet Meditative Full Body

Relaxation Massage with 

Men in Mind, for 10+ years.

Mobile Outcall Service Only

Casual Basis by Advance

Appointment - In your Home,

Hotel, Motel or Air BnB.

see The Welcome Page,

for all booking info.

Contact Glenn. 021735293

Auckland, N.Z. 
TXT is best. 

What's App avail.

no caller ID - are not answered. 

In mobile view, page layout may not display as intended, as auto formatting condenses written text & moves / hides some Images. 

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