African Wisdom “Silence is the best answer ever. Not everything requires your reaction. Don't deplete your energy by opening your mouth to prove a point. Speech is a river, silence an ocean. There's a lot of wisdom in silence than there is in words. So learn to keep quiet sometimes. It saves you from unnecessary drama. It also earns you respect and guards your reputation and integrity.”
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Massage for Men
"where every-body is welcome"
Bringing to you a Strong,Spirited,Sensuous
yet Meditative Full Body Relaxation
Massage w Men in Mind, for 10 + years.
Contact Glenn.
Auckland, N.Z.
TXT is best.
What's App avail.
no caller ID are not answered.
Mobile Outcall
Service Only.
In your Home, Hotel,
Motel or Air BnB.
by Appointment Only.
for all booking info,
see the Welcome Page.
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